Also called humanistic, transpersonal, needs, or self-actualization theory
Holistic Dynamic Theory
Assumes that the whole person is constantly being motivated by one need or another and that people have the potential to grow toward psychological health or self-actualization
Psychoanalysis and it's Modifications
First force in psychology
Second force in psychology
Maslow, Gordon, Allport, Carl Rogers, Colo May
Third Force in Psychology
Psychoanalysis; Behaviorism
Maslow criticized _______ and ______ for their limited views of humanity and inadequate understanding of the psychologically healthy person
How many assumptions of motivation does Maslow have?
1. Holistic approach to motivation
2. Motivation is usually complex
3. People are continually motivated by one another
4. All people are motivated by the same basic needs
5. Needs can be arranged on a hierarchy
Maslow's Basic Assumptions of Motivation
Holistic approach to motivation
Whole person, not any single part or function is motivated
Motivation is usually complex
A person's behavior may spring form several separate motives that may or may not be unconscious
People are continually motivated by one another
A need loses its motivational power and is replace by another once satisfied
All people are motivated by the same basic needs
Only the manner by which fundamental needs are met varies across cultures
Needs can be arranged on a hierarchy
Lower level needs must be satisfied first before higher level needs become motivators
Hierarchy of Needs
Assumes that lower level needs must be satisfied or at least relatively satisfied before higher level needs become motivators
Hierarchy of Needs
Composed of conative needs
Conative Needs
Need that have a striving or motivational character
Lower level needs have ______ over higher level needs
Must be at least mostly satisfied before higher level needs are activated
Love and Belongingness
5 Needs
Physiological Needs
Most basic and most prepotent needs that when not satisfied, people will live primarily for them and strive constantly to satisfy them
1. Only needs that can be completely satisfied or even overly satisfied
2. Have a recurring nature
How are Physiological Needs different from other needs?
Safety Needs
Includes: Physical security, Stability, Dependency, Protection, Freedom from threatening forces, need for law, order, and structure
Cannot be oversatiated
How are safety needs different from physiological needs?
______ are most motivated by safety needs due to fears such as darkness, animals, strangers, and punishment
Basic Anxiety
Some adults feel relatively unsafe because they retain irrational fears from childhood that cause them to act as if they were afraid of parental punishment. They spend more energy satisfying their safety needs. When these safety needs aren't met, they suffer from ______
Love and Belongingness
Includes the need for Friendship, Mate and children, Belong to a family, club, neighborhood, or nation, Sex and human contact, Give and receive love
People who had their love and belongingness needs adequately satisfied
These people do not panic when denied love and have confidence to be accepted by those important to them
People who have never experienced love and belongingness
People who are incapable of giving love and therefore, will eventually learn to devalue love and take its absence for granted
People who have received love and belongingness only in small doses
These people have only received a taste of love so they are strongly motivated to seek it; They have stronger needs for affection and acceptance than the other groups
Esteem Needs
Includes needs such as Self-respect, Confidence, Competence, Confidence that others hold them in high esteem
Reputation; Self-Esteem
Two Levels of Esteem Needs
Perception of the prestige, recognition, or fame a person has achieved in the eyes of others
Person's own feelings of worth and confidence that is based on real competence and not merely on others' opinions
When esteem needs are met, people do not always move to ______
Because they don't embrace the B-values
Why do people never move from esteem to self-actualization?
People who highly respect B-values become ______
People who do not are ______ in self-actualization needs
Includes Self-fulfillment, Realization of all one's potential, Desire to become creative in the full sense of the world
Self-actualizing people become ______ from the lower level needs