A common injury to the skin, caused by scraping. It is considered a superficial wound affecting just the surface of the skin.
Local elevation of inflamed skin with a cavity underneath a boil. The cavity is filled with a mixture of pus, containing bacteria, white blood cells, damaged tissue, and fluids.
Subcutaneous fat deposits create a local, uneven surface on the skin. Common in women. Some people have these fat deposits removed using a procedure of liposuction.
Term for scar. An injury to the dermis of the skin is too large for the epidermal cells and normal protein fibers to heal it, then addition protein fibers (collagen) will be produced to seal the wound, and a scar is formed.
Pimples. Oil from sebaceous glands builds up, causing an elevation of the skin.
Any small solid elevation on the skin.
An elevation filled with pus
Commonly known as a bruise, it is the discoloration and swelling of the skin that is symptomatic of an injury.
A blue tinge of color to an area of the skin. It is often a symptom of cardiovascular problems. It is usually visible in the lips and fingertips.
An ulcer is a sore that has worked through the skin or mucous membrane. When the body lies supine and unmoving for extended periods.
Decubitus ulcer
It refers to any redness of the skin, which is common sign of injury or infection.
Associated with a hair follicle. It results in swelling and redness of the skin. It is sometimes the result of an ingrown hair
An injury caused by a tear or cut by a sharp object. It penetrates the dermis and extends for more than an inch, stitches may be needed to close it.
It is any discolored flat spot on the surface of the skin. There is some genetic tendency to get freckles. May be a sign of sun damaged to the skin.
Commonly called a mole. A pigmented benign tumor. If the edges become irregular or the color darkens, it may indicate malignancy.
Results when a small blood vessel supplying the dermis of the skin ruptures. It may not appear as a red dot on the skin.
Itchy skin
Sign of infection by the papilloma virus. The wart, a skin elevation with a thickened epidermis, is an effort of the skin to rid itself of the virus.
Bacterial infection of the sebaceous glands and ducts, occurring primarily during adolescence when there is a rapid growth of these glands. It affects the body, face, neck, back, and chest.
Acne consists of open comedones called blackheads and closed comedones called whiteheads.
A loss or lack of hair known as baldness.
A skin infection composed of a cluster of boils that feels hot. The source of this infection is most commonly staphylococci bacteria staph.
A general inflammation of the skin that may include symptoms such as edema(swelling), pruritis(itching), vesicles(blisters) or wheals (white centered elevations with red edges). Includes contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and eczema.
It is a chronic painful disease of the skin. It is inherited, and consists of red lesions covered with silvery-looking epidermal scales.
Fungal infection of the skin (may be called ringworm due to the round shape of the infected area).
To clean any dirt, foreign matter, or unwanted tissue from a wound.
A form of surgery. Abrasives are used in a manner similar to sandpaper to remove unwanted scars or other elevations and improve the appearance of the skin.
Form of plastic surgery performed for cosmetic reasons. It consists of pulling and suturing the skin to repair skin wrinkles.