Cards (35)

  • Epidemiology
    Study of factors determining disease occurrence and distribution in a population
  • Epidemiology vs Clinical Medicine
    • Epidemiology - data is from groups/populations, level of populations in the scientific study of disease
    • Clinical Medicine - single patient, level of individual patients in the study of disease
  • Classical Epidemiology
    • Studies distribution and determinants of disease
    • Studies origins of health problems in communities, mostly infectious agents, others include nutrition, environment, behavior, economics, etc.
    • Determines risk factors to be altered to prevent/delay disease, injury, or death
  • Clinical Epidemiology
    • Epidemiology applied in clinical medicine
    • Setting is in health care facilities vs community (classical)
    • Studies are done to improve management of patients
  • Infectious Disease Epidemiology
    • Historically depended on lab sciences/laboratory (i.e., microbiology, serology) but now also uses statistical analysis
  • Chronic Disease Epidemiology
    • Depended on complex sampling and statistical methods but now also uses molecular laboratory markers
  • Some diseases are both infectious and chronic at the same time, i.e., TB, AIDS
  • Natural History of Disease
    The way a disease progresses in the absence of medical or public health intervention
  • Interventions
    • May be preventive or therapeutic
    • Alter the natural history of a disease in a favorable way
  • Disease stages
    • Pre-disease stage - before the disease process begin; primary preventive measures intervene to avoid exposure to agent of disease
    • Latent stage - disease process started but without symptoms; secondary prevention measures intervene to prevent/delay progression to symptomatic
    • Symptomatic stage - disease manifestation is evident; tertiary prevention measures slow, arrest, or reverse progression of disease
  • Epidemiologic Triangle
    Cause of disease are considered in terms of the HOST, AGENT, and ENVIRONMENT, plus the VECTOR
  • Host
    The "who" in the epidemiologic triangle; the degree to which an individual can adapt to stressors in the environment
  • Agent
    The "what" in the epidemiologic triangle; what causes the disease (biological agents, chemical, physical agents, social and psychological stressors)
  • Environment
    The "where" in the epidemiologic triangle; external factors allowing for disease transmission; influence the probability and circumstances of contact between the host and the agent
  • Vector
    Transmitter of disease; has specific relationship with the agent, the environment, and the host
  • The BEINGS Model
    • Biologic, behavioral factors
    • Environmental factors
    • Immunologic factors
    • Nutritional factors
    • Genetic factors - the most difficult to change
    • Health services, social factors, spiritual factors
  • Incidence
    Number of transitions from well to ill, from uninjured to injured, or from alive to dead in the study population during the study period
  • Prevalent case

    Different from prevalence rate
  • Period Prevalence
    Point prevalence at the start of the interval + incidence during the interval
  • Prevalence can increase due to increase in yearly number of new cases or increase in length of time that symptomatic patients survive (before dying or recovering)
  • Point vs Period
    • Point - specific point in time
    • Period - specific time interval; the sum of points during the interval
  • Cumulative incidence
    The total number of cases of an epidemic disease reported over time
  • Risk
    Proportion of those unaffected at the start of the study period but had a risk event during the study period
  • Cohort subsets (levels) of population (from specific to general)

    • Persons who died
    • Persons who fell ill
    • Number of those infected
    • Number of exposed persons
    • Number of susceptible persons
    • Total population
  • Case Fatality Ratio
    Proportion of clinically ill who died
  • Pathogenicity of organism
    Proportion of those infected who are clinically ill
  • Infectiousness of organism
    Proportion of exposed persons who become infected
  • Rates
    The number of events that occur in a defined time period, divided by the average number of people at risk for the event during that period
  • Prevalence Rate
    The proportion of persons with a defined disease/condition at the time of the study
  • Incidence Density
    The number of new events per person-time (e.g. of person-time is person-months, person-years)
  • 3 Broad Categories of Rates
    • Crude - applies to entire populations without reference to individual components of the population
    • Specific - population is divided into subgroups based on a common characteristic
    • Standardized - "adjusted rates", are modified crude rates controlling for effects of age or other characteristic in order to allow for valid conclusions to be made
  • Direct Standardization
    Most common; removes effects of different age structures
  • Indirect Standardization

    Used if ASDRs are not available, and if the population to standardize is small
  • Cause-Specific Rates
    Comparing CSRs are risky! Differences in diagnostic standards, in availability of health services, etc. makes conclusions invalid. Always be mindful of the context and these differences whenever possible.
  • Maternal and Child Health Rates
    • Livebirth
    • Fetal death - early, immediate, late
    • Infant death - neonatal, postnatal
    • Perinatal death - stillbirths + <7 days old, Perinatal Mortality Ratio, Hebdomadal Death