Health Q4

Cards (45)

  • Four major ncds in the philippines
    • Cardiovascular diseases
    • Cancer
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
    • Diabetes mellitus
  • Description of major ncds
    cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors
    • Coronary artery diseases - increase total cholesterol high ldl low hdl smoking obesity overweight physical inactivity diabetes
    • Hypertension - family history age high salt intake obesity excess alcohol intake
    • Cerebrovascular diseases (stroke) - age sex heredity hypertension smoking diabetes heart diseases high rbc excessive alcohol intake drug abuse
  • Heart diseases and it's risk factors
    • Physical inactivity and obesity
    • High blood sugar and cholesterol
    • Genetically inherited
    • Unhealthy diet which are salts and fats
    • Smoking
  • Hypertensions and its risk factors
    • Smoking
    • Excessive alcohol consumption
    • Overweight
    • Family history of hypertension heart diseases diabetes and kidney disease
    • Sedentary lifestyle
    • Chronic stress
    • Advancing age
    • Regular exercise and eating "heart healthy" diet
    • Excessive alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking also increases the likelihood of hypertension
  • Hypertension usual signs and symptoms
    ✓not all hypertensifications have symptoms
    • Headache
    • Dizziness
    • Blurring of visions
    • Nape neck discomfort
    ✓early detection is an important factor for preventing further complications
    Possible complications:
    • Chronic undiagnosed and untreated hypertension may result to heart attack stroke kidney failure loss of vision
  • Diabetes the sweet killer
    • In 2011 there were 366 million causes of reported diabetes major key of which
  • Diabetes the sweet killer
    • In 2011 there were 366 million causes of reported diabetes majority of which is in southeast asia
    • If current trends remain by 2030 in 10 adults will be diabetes
    • Diabetes is one of the top 10 causes of more mortality among filipinos
  • Diabetes and is risk factors
    • Diabetes - family history overweight lack of physical activity hypertension hdl 235 ng dl triglyceride 250 mg dl history of gestational diabetes with impaired glucose tolerance
  • Diabetes - group of metabolic disorders characterized by high blood sugar level on two separate occasions
  • Diabetes - results when the body cannot properly regulate the amount of sugar eg glucose in the blood
  • Four types of diabetes
    • Insulin dependent diabetes
    • Non-insulin dependent diabetes
    • Gestational diabetes
    • Secondary diabetes
  • NonInsulin dependent diabetes - who can be managed through oral anti-diabetic medications but may eventually also require insulin treatment to attain good blood glucose control
  • Gestational diabetes - who were first diagnosed to have diabetes during pregnancy
  • Secondary diabetes - acquired diabetes that may be drug or chemical induced such as those who are being or for aids or from other endocrine diseases such as hyperthyroidism
  • Risk factors for diabetes
    • High blood pressure
    • High triglyceride levels
    • Giving birth to an eight pounds baby
    • Sedentary lifestyle
    • Obesity
    • Family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus among first degree relatives
    ✓usual s/s of diabetes
    • Fatigue
    • Unexplained weight loss
    • Excessive thirst
    • Excessive urination
    • Poor wound healing
    • Excessive hunger 
  • Diabetes prevention
    • Diabetes a lifestyle related diseases which can be prevented to regular exercise at least 30 minutes every other day and eating a heart healthy diet ie low salt low fat diet
    • Excessive alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking also increases the likelihood of diabetes
  • Cancer find the cure be the cure
    • By 2030 the who predicts that cancer that's will rise to 17 million
    • Breast colon and respiratory cancers are the most prevalent types among filipinos
    • 30% of cancers may be prevented with irregular exercise proper diet and avoiding lobaco use
  • Cancer and its risk factors
    • Unhealthy diet
    • Environmental and occupational exposures to the carcinogenic substances
    • Physical inactivity and obesity
    • Excessive alcohol consumption
    • Smoking
  • Some cancers and their risk factors
    • Oral cancer - smoking excessive alcohol use chronic imitation vitamins a deficiency
    • Breast cancer - early menarc latte menopause high fat diet obesity physical inactivity alcohol family history
    • Lung cancer -smoking radiation exposure
    • Cervical cancer - smoking hpv infection chiamydia infection low intake fruits and vegetables family history
  • Guidelines for comments screening procedures for major ncds: screening guidelines for breast cancer
    • Monthly breast self examination
    • Breast examination by help worker annually for all child bearing a woman
    • Annual mammography for women over 50 years old and above
    • For certain high risk woman based line mammography at the age 35 with repeat upon recommendation of attending physician
    • Genetic screening and consoling for high rest patients or if appropriate
    • Referral to hospitals for further management is found positive for mass or any abnormalities
  • Lung disease
    • Chronic respiratory diseases are top leading cause of morbidity
    • Respiratory illness account for 81% of ncd that's among males and 35.2% among female
  • Description of major ncds - copd and asthma and the risk factors
    • Copd - smoking
    • Asthma - generic predisposition allergen smoking air population respiratory infections
  • Accidents and injuries give me a break
    • Globally roadside accidents are the leading cause of injury related death
    • Traffic accidents are second leading cause of death due to injuring in the philippines
    • In 2011 there were 8.175 reported causes of fatalities due to traffic accidents
  • Accidents - are unintentional unexpected and undesirable events while injuries are either intentional or unintentional events that results in damage or harm to a person
    • Most accidents and injuries can be avoided
    • Their effects can be reduced to measures like road safety education and sallations of adequate walkway street lines signages and home safety management
    • In high income countries road traffic injuries self inflicted injuries and interpersonal violence are the three leading cause of death among those age 15 to 44 years
    • In the same group there are twice as many suicide and their three times as many traffic related deaths as homicide
  • Health - is a basic right for every human being however approximately 90% of the health budget spent on hospitals and treatments of the sick
  • But what about the rest health promotion can provide the necessary interventions that cater to those who are healthy giving them a means to maintain their health
  • The threat non-communicables diseases
    • Non-communicable diseases or ncds act like silent assassins
    • Globally two out of three debts are due to ncds
    • 30% of victims die prematurely before the age of 60
    • 90% of all filipinos have at least one risk factors that led to ncds
    • If current ncd trans continue the economic losses in the next 20 years will amount to 47 trillion and healthcare cost
  • There are five behavioral risk factors that leads to ncds
    • Tobacco use
    • Alcohol use
    • Insufficient exercise
    • Unhealthy diet
    • Lack of road safety practice
  • Disease
    A condition that prevents the body or mind from working normally
  • Communicable diseases - are illness that can be transferred or passed from one person to another they are caused by pathogen like germs bacteria viruses fungi and protoza examples called pneumonia influenza or flu malia etc
  • Non communicable or chronic diseases - are non infectionist illnesses which may result from heredity or lifestyle factors and not from pathogens common example are heart diseases cancer that may result from heredity factors improper diet and other risk factors some non-communicable diseases do not usually lead to death but are uncomfortable and cause suffering
  • Non-communicable diseases are some of the major causes of mortality in the philippines many filipinos die everyday because of heart diseases and cancer diabetes arthritis and respiratory disorders are also major health concerns that is why it is important for everyone to know the information about non-communicable diseases and their prevention
  • Non-communicable diseases is a medical condition or disease
    • which is not infectious
    • with long duration
    • Realatively slow in progress
    • Which a person is unaware of the diseases
    • A silent killer of people
  • Common non-communicable diseases
    1. Allergy - is a synonymous to hypertensivity which refers an exaggerate response to an antibody forming substance or antigen cause of this is food intake vaccine or blood transfusion instinct sting skin contact or trough nasal by smell
  • Common non-communicable diseases
    • Asthma - is a chronic condition in which breathing becomes difficult hypertensivity exaggerated response to antibody forming substance or antigen not contagious cause of this is dust and molds pollens cold air weather change sinus infection stress and certain foods
  • Common non-communicable diseases
    • cardiovascular diseases - is a disease of heart and blood vessel this disease is leading cause of mortality in the philippines this risk factor is smoking diabetes hypertension cholesterol age obesity physical inactivity types of cardiovascular diseases are coronary heart diseases heart attack a gene of pertosis lunatic fever heart rhythm abnormalities or artichemia congestive heart failure stroke
  • Common non-communicable diseases
    • Cancer - caused by abnormal cells growing without control as these abnormal cells grow they form in masses called tumors ways to treat cancer through radiation therapy chemotherapy and immunotherapy tumors can be:
    • benign - masses of cell that are not cancerous and do not spread
    • Malignant - masses of cell that are cancerous they may spread to other parts of the body by moving along the blood vessels or through the lymph system this spreading is called metastasis
  • Diabetes mellitus - a disease in which the body produces little r no insulin at all signs and symptoms excessive urination (polyuria) thirst (polydipsia) hunger (polyphagia)
  • Types of diabetes -
    1. (Type 1) insulin dependent diabetes - increased thirst frequent urination continuous hunger weight loss blurred vision tiredness
    2. (type 2) non insulin dependent - not as noticeable as type 1 diabetes and may go and detected for many years
    3. gestational diabetes - occurs in females during pregnancies