An organ system is a group of organs that allwork together to preform specificfunctions. Examples of Organ Systems could be: - Digestive System - Circulatory System - Endocrine System
Where do the small soluble food molecules get absorbed?
The small soluble food molecules get abosrbed in the small intestine into your bloodsteam. One there, they get transported in the bloodstream around your body.
How is the small intestine adapted to absorb a large quantity of small, soluble food molecules? [4]
- Largesurface area as it's covered in villi's and microvilli's. - Goodblood supply - One cell thick walls giving it a short diffusion distance to the bloodvessels As a result this greatly increases diffusion and activetransport from the smallintestine to the blood.
What happens to the remaining undigested food in your small intestine?
The remaining undigested food in your smallintestine is squeezedout by the muscular walls of the smallintestine into the largeintestine. This is where water is absorbed from the undigestedfood into your blood. The material left forms faeces.
How is the liver associated with the digestive system?
The liver carries out many different functions within your body. However, the function that is most closely linked to the digestive system is the production of bile, which helps in digestion of lipids.
Bile is an alkaline. It neautralises the hydrochloric acid in the stomach and makes the conditionsalkaline. The enzymes in the small intestine work best in these alkaline conditions. It also emulsifiesfats. Because of this it gives a muchbiggersurfacearea of fat for the enzyme lipase to work on which as a result make its digestionfaster.