social learning theory- 1961: what did Bandura believe?
that people learn by watching the behaviour of others.
bandura believed that violence and aggression are produced by:
- an arousalevent (provocation)
- learned aggressive skills
- expected success and rewards
- pro-violence values
key beliefs of learning theories:
- criminal behaviour is learned behaviour
- we are influenced by our immediate social environment- family and friends
what were the three models in the Bobo Doll experiment (1963)?
aggressive, non-aggressive and control group (no model at all)
what was the Bobo Doll experiment?
children were shown a video of someone either being violent to a bobo doll or not being violent, the children were then left in room alone with toys and a bobo doll and were watched to see how they treated the bobo doll.
what did the experiment show?
children became aggressive when exposed to aggression.
observational learning is thought to take place in primarily 3 contexts, what are they?
- in the family
- in the prevalent sub-cultures eg. peers
- through cultural symbols such as TV and books
RobertThomson and JohnVenables did what after apparently watching Childs Play 3?
they were ten year olds who murdered James Bulgar.