Cards (14)

  • When was Pentonville Prison built?
  • Pentonville was a model prison and operated using the separate system:
    • Single cells
    • Masks in communal areas
  • The separate system aimed to rehabilitate criminals. They could reflect on their crimes, turn to religion and reform their ways in solitude.
  • The separate system aimed to rehabilitate criminals, as there would be no influence from other criminals.
  • The separate system was used as a form of retribution - isolation and boredom would make criminals pay for their crimes.
  • The separate system was used as a deterrent, as it was a serious punishment.
  • The separate system was replaced by the silent system to combat loneliness.
  • Strengths of Separate System:
    • Cleaner + less disease
    • Many thought it was the right level of punishment
  • Weaknesses of Separate System:
    • Isolation led to mental illness and suicide for many inmates
    • No education/instruction to provide inmates with new skills
  • When did Robert Peel become Home Secretary?
  • As Home Secretary, Robert Peel was responsible for changing criminal law and and reforming prisons
  • Robert Peel set up the Metropolitan Police Force.
  • Peel's Penal Reforms (1820s)
    • Peel advocated a system aimed at preventing crimes and reforming criminals, rather than using Punishments as a deterrent.
    • He reformed the penal code, removing 100 capital crimes - punishment was a lot fairer as a result
  • Gaols Act, 1823
    • Prisoners should receive regular prison chaplain visits
    • Gaolers should be paid
    • Female wardens for female prisoners
    • No chains or irons