Bar code readers require a clear view and close proximity to the bar-code for scanning, while RFID readers can read tags from a distance without needing a direct line of sight allowing for faster and more efficient scanning
Digital data is converted to analog data when devices or systems can only understand analogsignals or when smooth continuous waves are needed for applications like sound and image reproduction
Optical Mark Readers (OMRs) and Optical Character Readers (OCRs)
Both are used to understand information from physicaldocuments or pictures
OMRs focus on detecting and readingmarks or checkboxes, like on answer sheets, while OCRs are better at recognizing and converting printed or handwrittentext
OMRs need specific marks to work well, while OCRs can handle different fonts
OMRs are great for exams, while OCRs are more flexible for different types of documents
What are the (magnetic Strip Reader) advantages and disadvantages?
Advantages: fastdataentry compared to keyboard, errorfree and can be affectedbywater. Disadvantage: can be difficult when it's scratched,doesn't work at a distance and can easily be misplaced.
.What are the advantages and disadvantage?
Advantages: secure method of paying, less likely to be damaged. Disadvantage: the pin could be read by someone, fraud machines can steal card details
What is the Advantages and Disadvantage of RFID?
Advantages: can read from far away, fast read and quick response and can be read in bulk. Disadvantage: expensive than a barcode, the radio symbols can nbe hacked, Tags could interfere each other.