
Cards (11)

  • This singularity exploded outward at incredible speed, creating space and time itself.
  • What did Pope Pius XII say in his encyclical Humani Generis regarding scientific theories?

    “There is no conflict between evolution and of faith"
  • According to the Big Bang theory, the universe began as an infinitely dense point called the "singularity."
  • The Big Bang theory explains the origin of galaxies, stars, planets, and life on Earth.
  • "The Big Bang Theory does not contradict the doctrine of creation." - Pope John Paul II
  • Genesis ~ “God created mankind in His own image“ reinforces idea of Imago Dei
  • Pope John Paul II repeated the words of Pope Pius the 12th and said "evolution is worthy of serious study "
  • The Big Bang was initially proposed by Catholic priest and scientist George Lemaitre in 1927
  • See Genesis and Adam and Eve as moral truths/parables rather than literal truths like fundamentalists
  • Believe God created the universe ex nihilo, meaning out of nothing.
    Saint Augustine express this idea in his book “confessions
  • Saint Augustine discusses in his book “confessions “how God is perfect and the universe is not so they cannot be made from the same substance.
    In the beginning, there was only God and nothing so it must have come from nothing