A systematic study that is concerned with facts and principles, and methods that could be observed in our natural or physical and social environment. It comes from the Latin word 'scire' that means 'to know'.
It is both a body of knowledge and a process – a way of thinking, a way of solving problems
The Branches of Science
The Physical Sciences
The Earth Sciences
The Life Sciences (Biology)
The study of matter and energy and the interactions between them
The science that deals with the composition, properties, reactions, and the structure of matter
The study of the universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere
The science of the origin, history, and structure of the Earth.
The exploration and study of the ocean
The science of the forms of life that existed in prehistoric or geologic periods
The science that deals with the atmosphere and its phenomena, such as weather and climate
The study of plants
The science that covers animals and animal life
The study of heredity
The science of diagnosing, treating, and preventingillness, disease, and injury
Scientific Method
The logical method used by scientists to acquire knowledge that is used to explain different phenomena in nature
Scientific Method
1. Identify and clearly state the problem
2. Gather information pertinent to the problem
3. Formulate hypothesis
4. Test the hypothesis
5. Draw a generalization or conclusion
6. Apply the principle (conclusion) to other situations
A thing observed by the senses
A scientifically tested observation
Manipulating one of the conditions or factors that may affect the result of experiment
Controlled experiment
Controlled experiment components
Trials - number of times experiment is repeated
Controls - factors that are kept constant throughout the experiment
Variables - factors that change during the experiment
Types of variables
Independent or experimental - factors that are changed
Dependent - factors that change as a result of changes in the independent variable
Presentation of Data
Tables - easy to read, organized presentations
Graphs - readily show patterns of data
Types of graphs
Line - proper to use when comparing two continuously changing variables
Bar - appropriate to use when comparing a changing value with an unchanging value
A statement about the result of the experiment
A statement which describes what happens but does not explain the cause of the occurrence
Hypothesis that can be explained from observations
Scientific Traits
Logic and system
Intellectually honest
Hardwork and perseverance
Not opinionated
Creativity and critical thinking
The application of scientific knowledge to practical purposes. It is an applied science.
Types of Technology
Machines - tools, gadgets or devices that help us do our activities faster and better
Products - materials produced or made through artificial or natural means
Processes - ways of doing things
The process of comparing a quantity with a chosen standard