The area of land of an independentcountry with well-definedboundaries and a singlegovernment
A largegroup of people that are connected by history, culture or another commonality
The absolutepower of government over their land and people in their territory
Territorial integrity
The principle that another state cannot intervene with the defined territory of a state
Characteristics of a state:
A definedterritory that is internationally recognised
Sovereignty - the absolutepower of government over their land and people
Government recognised by other states ( usually through the UN )
It is self-governing and independent
It has a permanentpopulation which has the right to have self-determination ( freely determine their political status )
When a nation has an independent state of their own
Fragile state
A country which lacks authority, fails to provide services and/or lacks legitimacy
Supranational organisation
Having power or authority that is greater than that of single countries
Example: EU or UN
2 political processes where sovereignty is sustained:
Internal sovereignty: A state has exclusive authority within its bounded territory and no other state can intervene in its domestic politics
External sovereignty: A state cannot simply proclaim sovereignty, there has to be a mutualrecognition between other sovereignstates to ensure territorial integrity
Sovereign authority
Exists beyond land, also applies to:
rocks, soil, minerals and space beneath the surface
Agreed areas of sea and sea-bed resources
Agreed air space
The Charter of the United Nations
The important documents that refer to the importance of territorial integrity
Norms are based on principles set in the Charter of the UnitedNations which outline the universally accepted understanding of sovereignty and territorialintegrity
Moralprinciples, customs and ways of living that are universally accepted as standardbehaviour
Norms are based on principles set in the Charter of the United Nations which outline the universally accepted understanding of sovereignty and territorial integrity
Actions of a state, group of states or international organisations in a foreign territory to end gross violations of human rights
Includes military force, economic sanctions and the assistance of NGOs
Types of interventions:
Economic sanctions
Military intervention authorised by the UN
Humanitarian assistance by NGOs and aid agencies
Intervention is controversial as it can be argued that the act of intervention undermines the principle of sovereignty
The way in which geographical factors have been and continue to be central in shaping international politics
A boundary between two states that is internally and externally recognised
State fragility index
An index between 0-120 published by The Fund for Peace, which scores states on a level of stability/ fragility
Nation building
The act of strengthening the bonds between a group of people so they identify more strongly as belonging to a particular nation
United Nations - UN Charter
An intergovernmental organisation set up in October 1945
It aims to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations and achieve international cooperation
state apparatus
A set of institutions and organisations through which state power is exercised. They include legal mechanisms, administrative organisations, police and armed forces
Self determination
The act of a group of people to determine their political status and freely pursue the economic, social and cultural development within a defined territory
The transfer of part of a state's area and population to another state
Civil war
A war between citizens of the same country
Ethnic conflicts
A conflict between two or more contending ethnic groups
Separatist Movement
A group that culturally or politically separate from the ruling government
An active revolt or uprising within a country
Forcibly acquisition of one state's territory by another state