Correlation between body types/shapes and criminal activity.
Sheldon - Research
Sheldon analysed 4000 bodies and found the three somatotypes. Mesomorphic most likely to commit crime.
Glueck and Glueck - 60% of delinquents mesomorphic, 31% on non-delinquents mesomorphic.
College study with 200 participants both deviant and not. Rated on a scale of 1-7, criminals average 4.6, students average 3.8.
Sheldon - Strengths
Starting point for criminal profiling.
Putwain 2002 found association between body shapes and criminality.
Glueck and Glueck - 60% delinquents mesomorphic.
Sheldon - Weaknesses
Could lead to stereotyping by police and self-fulfilling prophecy.
Doesn't take into account that body shapes can change.
With the rating scale, ratings of mesomorphic are subjective to each person.
Not all criminals are mesomorphic and vice versa.
Neural (PFC) - Outline
Pre-frontal cortex responsible for decision making, logic, and impulse control.
Impulsive behaviour leads to making irrational decisions and lack of logical thinking.
Damaging certain parts of brain can cause personality changes - making a criminal.
Neural (PFC)- Research
Phineas Gage - rod through brain, didn't die but suffered huge personality changes.
Raine (1994) used PET scans to study brains of murders - had less brain activity.
Charles Whitman - experiences huge personality changes, became more aggressive, ended up committing schools shooting then suicide. Autopsy found tumour near PFC, affecting logic and impulse control.
Neural (PFC) - Strengths/Weaknesses
Proves that damage to brain can cause personality changes - making a person more aggressive or have impulsive thoughts.
Neurotransmitter (Serotonin) - Outline
Serotonin travels between neurons and influences emotions and mood stability.
Low levels have been linked to higher levels of aggression.
Neurotransmitters (Serotonin) - Research
Excessive exposure in womb can lead to desensitisation.
Neurotransmitters (Serotonin) - Strengths
People with low levels more likely to commit violent crimes.
Neurotransmitters (Serotonin) - Weaknesses
Desensitisation can occur from excessive exposure - cannot feel effect of serotonin.
Jacobs XYY- Outline
Chromosome abnormality - structures in cell nucleus that contains genes. 46 chromosomes 44 for physical form and 2 determine sex.
Presence of extra Y chromosome creates criminality - higher levels of testosterone cause aggression and violence.
Very tall, well-built, and low intelligence - lack of understanding of consequences, and more physically able.
Jacobs XYY - Research
Studies imprisoned criminals - such as those in psychiatric hospitals, higher proportion of inmates tended to have XYY.
15/1000 in prison likely to have condition. 1/1000 in general public.
Men with XYY more likely to be stereotyped as criminal.
Jacobs XYY - Strengths
Consistent with Sheldon's theory - mesomorphs and criminality.
Jacobs found association between XYY and aggression.
Price and Whatmore found links between XYY and property crime.
Jacobs XYY - Weaknesses
Cannot explain all criminality - it is a rare condition.
Ignores female criminality (20% of criminals are female).
Only suggests correlation - cannot establish that XYY causes violence/crime.
Candidate Genes - Outline
MAOA acts as neurotransmitter, controls serotonin. Increased levels of aggression and violence. Linked aggression when environmental factors (abuse) occur during development.
CDH-13 effects on mobilisation. Linked to ADHD, schizophrenia, bipolar, and substance abuse. Plays role in controlling violent and impulsive behaviour.
Candidate Genes - Research
Bruner analysed DNA of 28 male members of a Dutch family with history of impulsive and violent behaviour
Found they shared particular gene that lead to low levels of MAOA
Candidate Genes - Strengths/Weaknesses
Bruner's research proves these genes can be passed down through generations
Twin Studies - Outline
Concordance rate - rate of probability that two people with shared genes will both develop offending/criminal behaviour
Monozygotic share 100% DNA, dizygotic share 50% DNA
Identical twins both inherit candidate gene
Twin Studies - Research
Lange found 10/13 MZ in prison had other twin also in prison, 2/17 DZ in prison also had other twin in prison
Twin Studies - Strengths
Consistent evidence there is relationship between genes and criminality
Proved MZ twins are more likely to both commit criminal acts as they share 100% DNA
Twin Studies - Weaknesses
Biological determinism - assumes that individuals have no control over criminal behaviour - contradicts CJS
Ignores roll of environment - twins have shared environments
Lack of control in studies - Lange's research based on appearance not genes
Adoption Studies - Outline
Allows to see difference between nature and nurture.
Adoption Studies - Research
Mednick (1975) looked at 14000 adopted children. High proportion of boys with criminal convictions had criminal biological behaviour.
Follow up study in 1994 - no relationship between criminal convictions and adoptive parents.
Adoption Studies - Strengths
Allows separation of nature and nurture to see which has larger influence.
Mednick's research supports that genes play a role in criminal behaviour.
Stronger correlation with biological parents.
Adoption Studies - Weaknesses
Age of adoption could influence behaviour.
Research is only correlational - doesn't allow establishment of whether genes have cause of criminal behaviour.
Adoption process may not be random, placed in similar environment to biological environment.