
Cards (26)

  • Stitchery
    The art or process of forming decorative designs with hand or machine needlework
  • Importance and benefits of knowing different kinds of stitches
    • Identify the importance and benefits
    • Demonstrate how to do the different stitches
    • Appreciate the importance of making the different stitches
  • Needlework
    The art or process of forming decorative designs with hand or machine needlework
  • Raster
    A pattern of closely spaced rows of dots that form an image (as on the cathode ray tube of a television or computer display)
  • Embroidery
    The art or process of forming decorative designs with hand or machine needlework
  • Fabric
    A cloth
  • Design
    To create and make something for a specific use or purpose
  • Designs in wall decor, dresses, and gowns

    • How are they done?
  • Making simple clothes into an attractive one

    • How can you do this?
  • An ancient Peruvian running stitch sampler has been dated
    200-500 A.D.
  • Embroidery (Anglo-Saxon)

    Decorative stitched borders on medieval church vestments
  • First textiles were made from intertwined stems and grass
    10,000 BC
  • Earliest embroidery examples were known for some evidences of handwork over the woven threads on clothing
    30,000 BC
  • Earliest example of a complete cross stitch was discovered in a Coptic tomb in Upper Egypt
    500 A.D.
  • Cross stitch embroidery flourished during the T'ang Dynasty in China
    618 AD - 906 AD
  • The development of cross stitch owes much to the craftsmanship of the Chinese
  • The spread of cross stitch embroidery may have been in the opposite direction, since the first important migration of foreigners in China took place during the Tang dynasty
  • Persian, Arab, Greek and Indians travelers followed the silk routes to China and settled there, influencing the designs of Chinese Arts and many crafts, in particular those who used textiles
  • Patterns on many Chinese textiles show great similarity to those found on Persian fabrics
  • Designs and stitches have been exchanged between so many cultures and geographical areas through travel, trade and the availability of printed design books
  • Design for embroidery came with the traders, first from the Portuguese, then Dutch and finally the English setting of long voyages to bring back cargoes of all sorts, especially spices and textiles
  • Jean Bostock was an English girl, the earliest surviving dated sampler
  • The Red Revolution started with the arrival in Europe of new designs
    17th century
  • The first embroidery machine was invented by Joseph Heilman

  • Elias Howe invented the domestic sewing machine, manufactured by Isaac Singer

  • During the 1st half of the last Century, hand embroidery was a popular leisure past time for many women and this hobby occupied many hours of spare time in the days before television