Stephen Hawkings (an astrophysicist) rejects the need for God and says “the laws of physics are enough to trigger the Big Bang, God is not needed for this”
Hawkings says "we are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star”
Richard Dawkins believes that evolution explains how life began without any divine intervention.
Dawkins (a professor of genetics) Looks to Darwin’s theory of evolution and believes it poses no need for God
Dawkins argues that all organisms are just “survival machines “that undergo a scientific process of reproduction and mutation (natural selection)
Dawkins wrote a book called “the God delusion “which states that we should not be content with not fully understanding things
The Big Bang occurred 13.7billion years ago when a singleparticulaterapidlyexpanded and cooled to form the universe we know today
“ science offers are more convincing explanation” ~ Stephen Hawkings