digestive system

Cards (25)

  • describe role of the digestive system
    digest and absorb food
  • give pathway of digested food
    1. mouth
    2. gullet / oesophagus
    3. stomach
    4. small intestine
    5. large intestine
    6. rectum
    7. anus
  • describe digestion of food in mouth
    mechanical digestion of churning and release of amylase
  • describe digestion of food in stomach
    pummels food, produces protease (pepsin) and produces hydrochloric acid
  • describe role of hydrochloric acid in stomach
    kills microorganisms and provides optimal pH for protease pepsin enzyme action
  • describe digestion in small intestine
    produce digestive enzymes, contains bile and absorbs food into bloodstream
  • describe role of bile
    neutralise hydrochloric acid from stomach and emulsifies fat
  • give areas of production of bile
  • give areas of use of bile
    small intestine
  • describe role of digestive enzymes
    convert food into small food molecules to be absorbed into blood
  • give digestive enzymes
    carbohydrase, protease and lipase
  • describe role of carbohydrase
    break down starch into simple sugars
  • give areas of production of carbohydrase
    salivary glands, small intestine and pancreas
  • give areas of use of carbohydrase
    mouth and small intestine
  • describe role of protease
    breaks down proteins into amino acids
  • give areas of production of protease
    stomach, small intestine and pancreas
  • give areas of use of protease
    stomach and small intestine
  • describe role of lipase
    break down lipids into glycerol and fatty acids
  • give areas of production of lipase
    small intestine and pancreas
  • give areas of use of lipase
    small instestine
  • give uses of products of digestion
    build new carbohydrates, proteins and lipids and glucose used in respiration
  • describe test for sugar
    benedicts - blue to brick red/yellow/green
  • describe test for starch
    iodine - brown/orange to blue black/black
  • describe test for protein
    biuret reagent - blue to purple
  • describe test for lipids
    sudan III - colourless to red line on top layer of solution