Works to promoteinterfaith dialogue by engagement with people of different faiths and no faith to promote social cohesion
Work by the Catholic Bishops' Conference
1. Visits by priests and Bishops to other places of worship
2. Remembering events such as the Holocaust
Pope Francis visits other countries to speak for the need of inter-faith dialogue in order to reduce racism and discrimination
Pope Francis: 'Calls all people to serve, inspired by the great command of Jesus to 'love one another''
The Catholic Church can connect with people of different faiths
In response to global issues such climate change and natural disasters in order to make a difference
Catholics have a role and responsibility to promote harmony, tolerance and respect and engage in shared goals and actions for the common good and the protection of other faiths
Different faiths, including the Catholic Church, can
encourage more tolerance and understanding experiences between people.
Impact – building bridges in Burnley. Faith friends are employed to work in schools to improve interfaith relations.