Patterns of migration

Cards (20)

  • What are the reasons for migration
    Economic migrants- seeking work and social opportunities, sending money back to their families (migrant remittances)
    Refugees fleeing conflict zones and persecution, and asylum seekers
  • international migration
    migration figures being an estimate is an issue of defining an international migrant
    lack of uniformity among countries creates difficulty in obtaining accurate, reliable and comparable statistics
    (undocumented and illegal migrants)
  • long term migrant
    a person who moves to another country other than their usual residence for a period of at least a year
  • short term migrant
    person who moves for at least three months but less than a year
  • numbers, composition and direction
    the scale and direction of international migration and the composition of migrant flow can be demonstrated by the immigration and emigration patters for the uk
  • main reasons for people moving for the uk to live abroad
    employment opportunities
    retirement- high uk house prices enable many to sell up and live more cheaply abroad with a wam climate
    family reunification
  • diversity
    london has the largest number
    Asian countries have the largest representation in the uk (India is the largest)
  • inter-regional migrant flows
    Many fleeing conflict in Africa and the Middle East to reach Europe teritory
    travelled overland across dessert areas and sometimes sent adrift in small vessels in the Mediterranean by people traffickers
    one migration route is the central Mediterranean route from Libyan ports to italys most southerly point
    the number of migrants in 2015 increased significantly and became a major issue for rescue and border control for Italian coastguard
  • What is the lee migration model
    A model that acknowledges the factors influencing emigration and immigration and provides useful framework for the understanding of international migration it also includes intervening obstacles
  • Intra regional migrant flows
    Movement between the eu
  • Schengen agreement
    allows freedom of movement within most of the eu across its internal national borders
    recent expansion in the eu has increased the potential number of migrants, most of the countries have a relatively high population in working age seeking employment
    attracted by the higher wages elsewhere in the uk
  • the relationship between patterns of international migration and socio-economic development
    Migration can contribute significantly to development, positive process for stability, economic growth and socio economic change
    Inequalities in levels of development can be a cause of migration and it has a major influence on the direction and scale of global migrant flows
  • remittances
    statistical measure of international migration which is linked to development
    migrant remittances to the more advanced countries with a higher HDI are a lower percentage of GDP
  • how global migration can promote stability growth and development
    Some organisations recognise the importance of migration as a key factor in development
    -migrant remittances have been made easier and more efficient and more secure by the use of technology
    -geographical diffusion of ideas, info and values which can be transmitted back to place of origin
    -values such as democracy can flow from one country to another through the use of social media
    -technology can be used to deliver help where there’s a crisis
  • how migration promotes stability
    -foreign exchange which can contribute to economic stability of the recipient country
    -returning migrants having acquired new ideas and values can contribute to peace building and conflict resolution
    -where there’s an ageing population, youthful migrants contribute to a more balanced age structure and population growth
  • how migration promotes economic growth
    -migrants are consumers themselves and can stimulate local economies in a host country
    -can fill skills gaps and shortages in the labour marker
  • how can migration promote development
    -skills and knowledge from returning migrants can benefit country of origin
    -can create networks which ease flows of skills
  • how does migration promote inequalities
    -countries of origin lose a proportion of the young labour force
    -migrant remittances can increase inequality between families who receive them and those who dont
  • how does migration promote conflict
    -pressure on service provision such as education, health and housing
    -language barriers
  • areas of potential conflict
    -reported human right violations in detention camps for Myanmar refugees
    -the new fence and high-tech surveillance at the Bulgaria-turkey border