
Cards (29)

  • Self is a product of social process. It emerges from social interaction such as socialization and enculturation
  • Socialization - the process of learning the norms and values of a society through interactions with others.
  • Family - the first agent of socialization. Most of the habits, manners, beliefs, and the way we think are developed in the family.
  • School - you interact or socialize with other people which are outside your family within a society.
  • Peer Group - They influence you in the way you accept yourself . It is where you find yourself belonged.
  • Social Media - plays crucial role in shaping your personality
  • Agents of Socialization - Family, School, Peer Group, Social Media
  • Enculturation - people learn the requirements of their surrounding culture and acquire values and behaviors appropriate to that culture.
  • Enculturation is both a conscious and unconscious conditioning process where as child and adult, achieves competence in his culture, internalizes his culture and become thoroughly enculturated.
  • Parents and other authorities are called the initiators of enculturation
  • Socialization mainly focuses on the acquisition of knowledge, values, skills, and habits of society, meanwhile enculturation focuses more on the acquisition of cultural traits.
  • Acculturation- cultural transformation of an individual or group to adapt according to another culture
  • Social Group - unit of interacting personalities with interdependence of roles and statuses
  • Social Organization- types of collectively established for the pursuit of specific aims or goals
  • Types of social groups: According to social ties, self-identification, purpose, form of organization
  • According to Social Ties - Primary Group and Secondary Group
  • Primary Group: long-lasting group, strong ties of love and affection
  • Secondary Group - impersonal, business-like, large in size, and has a formal structure.
  • According to Self-Identification: In-Group, Out-Group, and Reference/Psychological Group
  • In-Group: individuals feel at home and with which they identify
  • Out-Group: individuals do not belong due to differences in social categories and with which they do not identify
  • Reference/Psychological Group: We consciously or unconsciously refer when we evaluate our life situations and behavior but to which we do not belong .
  • According to Purpose: Special Interest, Task Group, Influence or Pressure Groups
  • Special Interest Group: meets the special interest of the members
  • Task Group: tasks which cannot be done by one person
  • Influence or Pressure Groups: to support or influence social actions
  • According to Form of Organization: Formal Groups
  • Bureaucracy - a hierarchical arrangement in large scale formal organizations
  • Factors Affecting Group Dynamics: Group Size, Type of Group Goals, Motivational base shared by individuals, The kind of group cohesion, Social conformity, Group decision-making, Leadership