One way that faulty processing can be challenged is through thought catching during the use of 'homework' such as a dysfunctionalthoughtdiary
Dysfunctional thought diary
1. Record events leading up to unpleasant/irrational thinking
2. Rate automatic thoughts in terms of level of belief that they are true
3. Write a rational response to the thought
4. Re-rate beliefs in initial thinking
Cognitive restructuring
1. Client is encouraged to challenge their own thinking by questioning dysfunctional automatic thoughts
Behavioural activation
Ensure the client participates in activities they previously enjoyed, whilst dealing with any cognitive obstacles, so that schemas are re-categorised
CBT effectiveness
After attending 16-20 sessions, it is said to be the most successful of all therapies
Reduced the number of suicidal thoughts in depressed teenagers by 24%
Therapist competence can have a direct impact on success (by approximately 15%)
Most effective with motivated individuals with low levels of actual stress - therefore CBT might be limited in its usefulness as a stand-alone treatment, as it is more effective when combined with chemotherapy
If the treatment is ineffective it does not cause physical harm (risk of pain) - no side effects arise (unlike chemo or aversion therapy etc.)
Clients usually consent and have the right to withdraw
At the beginning of treatment the client might face elevated levels of psychological harm (risks of stress and anxiety or humiliation) whilst explaining their dysfunctional automatic thoughts