Cards (8)

  • What are some key quotes for guilt?
    ‘Fruitless crown upon my head’
    ’out damned spot’
    ’stars hide your fires’
    ’neptunes oceans’ -> parallels ‘Arabia perfumes’
    ‘eye of childhood fears a painted devil’
  • Why is Macbeth goes from brave to devilish to black significant?
    Evidences his journey from God to the devil. ‘Devilish’ is connotative of these devil like features he possesses, then ’black’ is this total departing from God as he reaches his status of tyranny.
  • How is banquo a better man than Macbeth?
    He recognises that the prophecies are only equivocally true as they are told by the ‘instruments of darkness’. Macbeth consolidates his future in the supernatural, Banquo does not.
  • Pick 2 quotes that evidence Macbeth’s conflicting thoughts
    ’We will proceed no further in this business‘
    ’The firstlings of my heart will be the firstlings of my hand’
  • What are some key quotes for appearance versus reality?
    Innocent flower -> serpent
    fair is foul, foul is fair
    no art to find mind’s construction on the face
    angels bright, brightest fell
  • What are some quotes that evidence Lady Macbeth’s emasculation of Macbeth?
    ‘when you durst do it, there you were a man’
    ’give me the daggers’
    ’eye of childhood fears a painted devil‘
  • What is the allusion from Macbeth to Frankenstein’s monster?
    ‘Brightest angel fell’ -> ‘ought to be Adam, rather the fallen angel’ -> both are referred to as the physical embodiment of Lucifer.
  • What is the quote of the mousing owl and the hawk?- and why is it significant?
    ‘Falcon in her place of pride was by a mousing owl hawked and killed‘ - Alludes directly to Macbeth killing Duncan, thus breaking the great chain.