the aim of the natcen study was to explore what triggered youth involvement int he august riots in 2011
participants were interviewed individually or in groups of 2 or 4 in the natcen study
36 were in the sample for the natcen reports
the interviews for the natcen study took place five weeks after the riots took place
the sample for the natcen report was a even split of over and under eighteen year olds, diversity of gender,ethnicity and work status, a vast majority still in education
a range of differnt people were involved: mixture of age, ethnicities and jobs status
categories of involvement in the riots were
-watcher(bystanders and curious)
-rioters(protesters,retaliatiors and thrill seekers)
-looters(opportunists and sellers)
-non-involved(stay aways and wannabes)
key motivators were benefiting form and exciting experience, opportunity to get stuff w/o paying and getting back at police
dispotional factors that affcted young people were previos criminal activity, attitudes towards authority and prospects
a nudge factor is something that encourages involvement
a tug factor is somehting that dicourages involvement
an example of nudge and tugs for the dispotional factor of previos criminal activity
nudge-easy to get involved
tug-been caught once know risks
nudge and tug for dispositional factor of attitudes towards authority
nudge-cynicism/anger toward politicians, negative view of police
tug-no negative experience with police
nudge and tug for the dispositional factor of prospects
nudge-poor job prospects, low income, limited hope, nothing to loe
tug-in work or expectations, aspirations
the influences of antisocial behaviour that the natcen report concludes
-collective behaviour
-dispositional factors
-what young people believe is right or wrong
-an individual assessment of the risk and benefits of involvements