sales this year-sales last year/sales this year x100
Market Mapping
Helps businesses spot a gap in the market and identify close competitors.
Sales growth
used to analyse market trends, helps to see where is gaining sales and loosing sales
Marketing Objectives
market share, sales growth, sales volume and value, market growth and market size.
Elasticity of Demand
%change in demand / %change in price
Price Elastic
More than 1, ignoring the minus. Change Demand is greater than change in price
Price Inelastic
Less than 1, ignoring the minus.
Used to predict future sales. Trends in previous years will be extrapolated (continued)to forecast future sales.Relies on past trends remaining true.
Main goal of business
Clear focused goal to achieve aim of business
Changing aims and objectives
SPEW. Survival, Product Range, Exit market, workforces. Business main change aims and objectives because of:Economy[e], Level of competition[e], technology [e], performance [int],influence of stakeholder [int]
Mission Statement
Description of organisation . Aims, vales and beliefs. Purpose
Business Ethics
Higher ethics = lower profits. For Examples; marketing towards children maybe inappropriate but may generate profit
Anyone with interest in business
Financial objectives
Profit Maximisation, Capital structure, cash flow objectives Return on investment, debt.
Return on investment
Profit from investment / costs from investment x 100
Market Research
Can be primary or secondary, needs to avoid bias, can be qualitative or quantitative .
Factors of production
Land , labour , capital and enterprise {THINK CELL}
Capital {CELL]
Refers to tools and machinary,used in producution.
Enterprise {CELL]
Risk taking that drives product production
Primary Sector
Extracting raw materials {fishing , mining, agriculture}
Secondly sector
Converting raw materials into goods {manufacturing}