situational factors

Cards (31)

  • a situational factor is an external factor that influences the way we behave
  • four situational factors are majority influence, authority, deindividuation and culture
  • majority influence explains why someone might conform
  • two types of comformity to majority influence is normative and informational conformity
  • normative conformity is when people yeild to group pressure because they want to fit in and dont want to be rejected by the others
  • solomon asch conducted an experiment into normative conformity
  • asch's findings were that participants conformed to the wrong answer because they were embarrassed to go against the group
  • informational conformity is when people conform because they want to be seem as right and so follow the others lead
  • authority explains why someone might obey
  • stanley milgram's eletric shock study investigated obedience
  • 65% of participants to milgrams study obeyed and went to 450 volts
  • the situational factors that explained why people obeyed in milgrams study were the presense of a 'authority figure', the location, the learner was in the other room so people couldnt see him, the researcher took responsibilty
  • milgrams agency theory was the idea the people obey orders because they move from an autonomous to an agentic state
  • autonomous state is where the person feels responsible for their actions
  • agentic state is where a person doesnt feel responsible as they are under orders from authority
  • deindividuatio is why people might particpaite in crowd/collective behaviour
  • deindividuation can lead to someone particpating in crowd/collective behaviour as when people lose sense of self they feel they are not responsible for their actions
  • crowd behaviour examples where deindividuation can happen are football hooliganism and rioting
  • culture can explain pro/anti social behaviour
  • an example of pro social behaviour is altruism-helping w/o expecting a reward
  • collectivist culture is a culture that emphasizes working together and dependency, group needs are seen as more important
  • individualistic culture is a culture that encourages independency, needs of one are more important
  • collectivist culture is more likely to show altruism
  • an example of collectivist culture is mexico,phillipenes, israel
  • example of individualistic culture would be the uk or usa
  • collectivist culture shows prosocial becasuse children are expected to help their families they show more altruism
  • critisisms of the theory of situational factors are
    -deindivdalisation doesnt always lead to violence
    -not everyone conforms the same
    -ignores the role of personaliy
    -prosocial behaviour research was heavily based on children
    -doesnt explain why people dont obey
    -ignores influence of free will
  • free will is the idea we have conrol over our lives and can change behaviour and our way of thinking
  • dterminism is the idea that how we think and how we behave is determined by internal forces like genetic or environmental factors
  • issue with free will is that the concept does not support the view of psychology as a science
  • the issue with determinism is that it suggest we have no free will of our behaviour so then suggest we cant change it