Pathogens are microorganisms that cause infectious disease
Communicable diseases are infectious so they can be spread between animals and plants
Types of pathogens
Bacterial pathogens
May reproduce quickly in the body and produce toxins that damage tissue
Viral pathogens
Infect and reproduce themselves inside body cells- causing damage to body cells
Non-specific human defence systems
Nose contains hair which trapsmucus and microbes
Stomach contains stomachacid which killsmicrobes, - skin as a physical barrier and the -tracheaandbronchi containing mucus which trap microbes and cilia move microbes up
White blood cell defence against pathogens
1.Phagocytosis- engulf and destroy bacteria, virus
2. Antibody production- Antibodies stick to pathogens triggers pathogen to be destroyed.
3. Antitoxin production-neutralise toxins
Injection of dead or weakenedpathogens to stimulate antibody production against pathogen. Memorycells stay in body therefore when reinfection antibodies are producedquickly in large numbers.
Pathogens and diseases
Salmonella (bacteria)
Gonorrhea (bacteria)
Measles (viral)
HIV (viral)
Tobacco mosaic virus (viral)
Rose black spot (fungal)
Malaria (protist)
(B)Salmonella- spread by eating food cooked in unhygienic conditions.