Why People Conform AO3

Cards (9)

  • ASCH (1951)

    Found evidence to support MS - in an unambiguous situation people wanted to fix in. When he interviewed participants afterwards, they said that they felt self-conscious giving the correct answer.
  • When he made the lines closer
    Conformity increased
  • The evidence supports both MS and S
  • Individual differences in how much people want to be liked by others
    Will affect conformity
  • McGhee + Tevan
    • Students who were Affiliators (need to be liked) were far more likely to conform
  • Some research (Cooper, 1979) suggests women conform more than men (possibly to prevent social disagreement)
  • It is difficult to explain all behaviour
  • Lucas
    Supported role of ISI and found that students showed greater conformity to incorrect answers to mathematical problems if they were harder - in particular if they thought their own ability was poor - suggesting we look to others for the answer.
  • It is very hard to distinguish whether ISI or NSI is taking place, as they could both be happening at the same time.