Climate - The average temperature and weather of a country over a 30 year period.
Soil types - The composition of different soils: clay, sedimentary, impermeable, igneous.
Human activity - The affects of human on nature.
How are interlocking Spurs formed?
In the upper course, the river flows along lines of weakness, bending around areas of more resistant rock. This creates interlocking spurs (ridges of rock that protrude out into the valley). Interlocking spurs are comparable to a zip.
The distribution of the over 5 magnitude earthquakes since 1973 all tend to be on the tectonic plate boundary margins. However there are some exceptions of Earthquakes occuring in some random areas, e.g Russia. Some countries with the most earthquakes are Indonesia and the Philippines.
Droughts are abnormally dry weather leading to a shortage of water which can have negative impacts on veg, animals and people in a large area
Landscapes are the visible features that make up the surface of a land. A landscape is made up from a combination of landscape "elements" The four elements are: natural/physical, biological,variables and Humans.
Natural - rocks
Biological - animals
The upland areas of the UK are mainly in the north and west
Highland area in the UK - the cairngorms
A spit is a narrow coastal land formation that is tied to the coast at one end