Practises that demonstrate beliefs about God

Cards (2)

  • How can Jews demonstrate their beliefs of God
    • Reciting Shema
    • Wearing kippah, tallith
  • Reasons why God is not depicted in art.
    • Word 'idolatry' means to worship an image or created object
    • Consider a sin in Judaism
    • God will not be represented in any form of art
    • Law comes from Ten Commandments "You shall not make for yourself sculptured image ... in the heaven above or in the earth below" Exodus 20:3-6
    • God's name is scared so Jews are carful when it comes to his name
    • Many Jews will write it as G-d, this is in case the paper will become damaged or is treated in a disrespectful manner.
    • Name of God is so holy that many Jews will not speak or write his name except in prayer