Case study of India

Cards (81)

  • What is India's land mass in square kilometers
    3.3 million km^2
  • What countries does India border?
    Pakistan, Nepal, China, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar and Sri Lanka is an island slightly south.
  • How big is India's population?
    1.27 billion
  • What International bodies is India part of
    World Trade Organisation, Commonwealth Indian Ocean Rim Association.
  • what is happening to India's economy?
    It is growing rapidly
  • What is India's climate like?
    The climate of India differs greatly from north to south. It also experiences a monsoon season that blows from the North East during the cooler months and reversed in the warmer months. The monsoon is vital but also can lead to flooding.
  • How does the caste system affect Indian society?
    It divides India into groups based on your family. The Upper caste ran the country & the Lower caste people worked as farmers & laborers. The lowest people are "Untouchables" and have to do menial jobs. People like Gandhi were against this and many India's view this system as outdated.
  • What percentage of India are Hindu or Muslim?
    80% Hindu and 13% Muslim
  • How is India divided?
    Divided in 29 areas. Over 50% of India's popluation lives in 6 of the provinces in the Northern fertile plains
  • What is the Indian Diaspora and what is its effect?
    20 million Indians live abroad and in 2015 they sent back $72 billion in remittances.
  • Uneven Development in India
  • What is the GDP pp in the richest Indian state and poorest Indian state?
    Goa is the richest state and so the GDP pp is $4903 and the GDP pp in Bihar the poorest state $682.
  • 2 reasons for uneven development in India
    2011 literacy was 64% in Bihar and 94% in Kerala. Life Expectancy gap is between 63 years to 75 years.
  • Define Economic Core Regions
    The most highly developed region(s) in a country
  • Where is the economic core region in India
    4 regions in the north-west with lots industries and exports especially financial and technological industries in Bangalore. Also a line of western states.
  • Define periphery
    parts of the country not in the economic core region
  • where is the periphery in India
    mostly in the northern and eastern states. They often face difficult physical environments like mountains in the east. Kolkata is the largest city in India's eastern periphery and has old industry like cloth making so is a very struggling area.
  • Why is Mumbai so successful economically
    It is the largest city in India and has many TNC's in it such as Disney, Bank of America and Volkswagen. It accounts for 40% of India's maritime trade and has the bank of India and 2 of the largest regional stock exchanges.
  • How many people have migrated to Mumbai and what has this caused?
    The city has attracted migrants from all over India and this has led to a very high pop. density, with 40% of the pop. living in slums.
  • What is the Delhi-Mumbai corridor|?
    An infrastructure project between Japan and India to build a freight corridor between the industrial and political capitals. It will cost US $100 billion
  • Why is Bihar underdeveloped
    -Very underdeveloped in colonial period
    -it has generally experienced poor governance since independence
    -poor development of infrastructure especially power and irrigation
    -Lack of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)
    -High fertility rates leads to 25% population growth in 10 years so has a large dependent population
  • What is the population and pop. density of Bihar
    population of 100 mil and pop. density of 1106 p/km^2.
  • What is it like in Bihar
    -80% of people employed in agriculture
    -lack of jobs leads to lots of emigration, 30.7% of migration to Delhi was from Bihar
  • Is India a developing, emerging or developed country?
    India is an emerging country
  • What are the 4 main trends in the sectoral employment in India from 1980-2010?

    -percentage of total GDP contributed by agriculture fell from 37.2% to 14.5%
    -Increase of percentage of total GDP from services from 45.8% to 67.1%
    -a small increase of percentage GDP from manufacturing; from 16.9% to 18.4%
    -the rise of quaternary sector (included in services) from close to 0% to 6.1%.
  • What percentage of India's workforce where in what areas of employment in 2012?
    In 2012, 49% of India's workforce employed in agriculture, 20% in manufacturing and 31% in services (this includes ICT and the quaternary)
  • How has the changes in employment has affected the population distribution?
    The fall of agricultural employment as new technology in the more advanced states means there is less demand for farm workers and a rise in the services means there has been a rise in rural to urban migration.
  • How has India achieved economic growth?
    India has become a global leader in outsourcing as big ICT companies use the cheap labour in India to outsource things like call centres in bangalore. Also it provides expert knowledge service to big companies around the world. Also tourism plays a big factor as 22 million people employed in tourism.
  • How much has India's economy grown each year in the last 20 years?
    an average of 7% every year making it fastest growing economy in the world
  • How has trade helped India's economy grow?
    Until the 1990's India was a relatively closed economy but when barriers to trade where reduced the levels of imports and exports increased so did India's economy.
  • How has aid helped India's economy grow?
    Historically India was was a big recipient of aid but now it has developed it gives out a lot of aid to countries like Sri Lanka, Bhutan etc. People who look at this say that this is a good argument for foreign aid helping countries developed.
  • How has Foreign direct investment helped India's economy grow?
    Recent developments are owed to a rise of FDI which doubled to $34 million in 2014. India's government is keen to encourage FDI and most FDi is from TNC's (Transnational Corps') bit a small amount is from local businesses.
  • How has public investment helped India's economy grow?
    Every country relies on its public sectors like health transport education etc. and India relies especially on education to provide a well educated workforce for the ICT industry. India has privatised lots of its public services which has induced FDI but it's public sectors are lot larger than that of the USA and UK.
  • How far has the fertility rate fallen from 1971 to 2015.
    In 1971 it was 5.2 and in 2015 2.3 just above replacement level fertility which is 2.1. It is the first country to introduce a policy designed to reduce fertility.
  • How has infant mortality changed?
    Early 1970's it was 135/1000 now it is 42/1000
  • How has life expectancy changed in India?
    It has gone from 50 years in early 1970's and 68 years today.
  • How has the change in fertility and mortality affected India's demographic?
    The increase in the working age has lead to a lot of economic growth and the population of under 15's and over 65's has also decreased.
  • How is the change in population distribution affecting India?
    As more people move into the cities for better paid jobs there is a growing gap between the middle classes and lower class is growing as the level of urbanisation is at 30.9% in India far below the global average of 50%
  • How has education changed India recently?
    Education has become a high priority for the Indian government and it is free and compulsory for all children between 6-14. There is a strong private sector of education as well under government supervision and this has attracted a lot of FDI. The literacy rate rose from 65% in 2001 to 74% in 2011
  • How has inequality changed in India.
    Although it's changing women have a generally low position in Indian society and this is a hindrance to development. Also elderly people feel left behind as they tend not to move to urban areas where quality of life is better and have missed out on the health and education benefits.