biological explanation.

Cards (10)

  • biological explanation of schizophrenia.
    dopamine - hyperdopaminergia (excess) which is caused by low beta hydroxylase levels causing synaptic build up or proliferation of dopamine receptors on post synaptic cells. hypodopaminergia (deficiency) which is linked often to negative symptoms.
  • study on a pathway commonly biologically associated?
    howes and kapur - dysregulation in striatum pathway is common sign of psychosis.
  • a supporting study for dopamine as an explanation?
    falkai - autopsie on schizophrenics found they have a larger number of dopamine receptors.
  • a supporting study that used a chemical to test?
    lindstroem et al - found schizophrenics had an increased dopamine synthesis rate in prefrontal (medial) and striatum.
  • a supporting study that used rats?
    tenn et al - dopamine antagonists reversed schizophrenic behaviours in rats.
  • supporting evidence on schizophrenic brains?
    seeman - found some of the schizophrenics post-mortem brains had up to 110% more sensitivity to dopamine.
  • what can also support biological explanations scientifically?
    brain scans - pet scans can see amount of dopamine receptors.
  • what is the conflicting evidence?
    REDUCTIONIST : veling et al - culture being a factor. carlossen - glutamate as a factor.
  • how useful is the biological explanation?
    reductionist and deterministic but explanation has led to modern anti-psychotics which allow better quality of life and less side effects.
  • how is it testable?
    biological approaches are always scientific, objective and empirical and can be backed up by scans.