Authoritarian Personality For Obedience AO1

Cards (7)

  • Authoritarian personality

    Collection of traits developed from Strict Parenting
  • Traits of authoritarian personality
    • Conformist
    • Conventional
    • Dogmatic
    • Big respect for authority
    • Obedient towards perceived higher status
    • Harsh/hostile towards those of a perceived lower status
  • Frustrations in childhood couldn't be directed towards parents (perceived higher status)

    Taken out on those with a perceived lower status
  • Dispositional explanation
    Assuming obedient behaviour is due to internal traits such as personality, rather than external (situational) factors
  • Adorno (1950)
    • Measured the authoritarian personality using the F-scale
    • Found those high on the scale showed extreme respect and obedience to those of a 'higher status', and showed prejudice, stereotypes and contempt towards the weak
  • The study was tested on 2000 mainly white Americans
  • If 18 people would talk, less and work as more, everybody would be better off