Dispositional explanations can't explain obediene in entire societies eg. it's unlikely the Nazis all had the same personality in cases like this
Situational factors may be more appropriate eg. proximity, as investigated by Milgram may have a greater influence on obedience levels
Correlationalresearch is difficult establishing cause + effect between parenting style and obedience
Adornos research was based on Retrospectivedata - it's possible that level of education may determine both authoritarianism and obedience
The measurement tool may be flawed - Greenstein called the f-scale a 'comedy of methodological errors'
If you answered agree to every question, you'd be classed as having an AP + people want to agree - acquiescence bias
The measurement tool may be flawed - perhaps there are implications for validity of theory
Elms + Milgram interviewed people from Milgram's experiment - of the 20 fully obedient participants they sampled, they all scored higher on F-scale than the 20 disobedient participants they sampled - supporting AP
However, Milgram's participants were different to typical AP - didn't glorify fathers, or have hostile attitudes towards mothers