Genetic diversity

Cards (15)

  • Chromosome is highly compact DNA associated to histone proteins containing many genes
  • Homologous pair is a pair of chromosomes, one maternal and one paternal coding for the same genes
  • Natural selection explains how the environment applies selective forces on the reproduction of individuals in a population
  • Natural selection causes a change in phenotype of organisms in the population over time (this is speciation)
  • Selection pressure is external agents that affect an organisms ability to survive in an environment
  • Different species are unable to interbreeed and produce fertile offspring
  • New advantageous alleles are produced theough mutations
  • Organisms with the advantageous allele survive longer on average allowing it to reproduce and pass on the allele to the offspring
  • Over time populations will have the new allele, they have evolved to a new species
  • Genetic diversity is the total number of different alleles in a population
  • population is a group of individuals of the same species that live in the same place
  • As a result of mutation, crossing over, independent segregation in meiosis or random assortment of gametes, organisms produce a variety of offspring with different gametes
  • anatomical adaptions are physical adaptions, either external or internal
  • behavioural adaptions are changes in behaviour which improve the organisms chance of survival
  • physiological adaptions are adaptions that increase chnace of survival by processes inside an organism