the first symptom of OCD is obsessions, this is recurrent unwanted thoughts that are intrusive and cause anxiety
the second symptom of OCD is anxiety and guilt, this is when the individual fee guilty about their obsessions
the third symptom of OCD is compulsions, this is when an individual feels the urge to perform specific actions
to be diagnosed with OCD the individual has to show all three of the symptoms, obsessions, guilt and anxiety and compulsions
guilt and anxiety are emotional symptoms of OCD
obsessions are cognitive symptoms of OCD
compulsions are a behavioural symptom of OCD
the orbitofrontal cortex detects worrying stimuli and decides on an action to deal with it, once the action has been decided it sends signals to the part of the brain that controls movement
the basal ganglia monitors the outcome of actions
the orbitofrontal cortex detects worrying stimuli and decides on an action to deal with it
The basal ganglia sends inhibitory signals back to the orbitofrontal cortex
For people with OCD, the signals sent from the basal ganglia to the orbitofrontal cortex are much weaker than usual.
Those with OCD have impaired communication between the basal ganglia and the orbitofrontal cortex.
with impaired communication, the orbitofrontal cortex is inhibited less causing it to become hyperactive
if neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex are hyperactive signals relating to worrying stimuli continue to persist
When the basal ganglia sends signals to the orbitofrontal cortex, serotonin is released into the orbitofrontal cortex.
Serotonin acts an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the orbitofrontal cortex.
support for the neural explanation of OCD comes from case studies, max et al studied a patient with damage to their basal ganglia, study shows that structural damage to the basal ganglia causes OCD
support for the neural explanation of OCD comes from brain image scanning, research found increased brain activity in the orbitofrontal cortex of adults with OCD compared to controls
a limitation of the neural explanation of OCD is that the results of studies havent always been able to be replicated, this means that results found inconsistent