Minority Influence AO1

Cards (8)

  • Minority Influence 

    When a minority persuade others to change their minds/behaviour
  • Changes that occur
    • Private views change
    • Public views change
  • 3 main processes of minority influence
    1. Consistency
    2. Commitment
    3. Flexibility
  • Consistency
    • Repeating the same message
    • Challenging the beliefs held by the majority
    • Can be synchronic (within the minority group) or diachronic (over time)
    • Draws attention to the minority view
  • Consistency example
    • Moscovici had groups view 36 slides of different shades of blue, confederates consistently said the slides were green and participants agreed on 8.42% of the trials
    • When confederates were inconsistent, participants only changed their minds on 1.25% of the trials
    • With no confederates, 'green' was said only on 0.25% of the trials
  • Commitment
    • Minority demonstrate their dedication to their belief, perhaps by making sacrifices (the augmentation principle)
    • Shows the minority is not acting out of self-interest
  • Flexibility
    • Minority are non-dogmatic
    • Prepared to adapt and accept reasoned and valid counterarguments
  • Over time
    The majority change their views because of deeper processing, but it is gradual (the 'snowball effect')