Ethical Decision making

Cards (3)

  • Divine command theory
    • Belief that actions are right if God commands them to be
    • These commands are found in the bible such as the Ten Commandments
    • It is an absolutist theory which means that it cannot be changed
    • Deontological theory because it focuses on action. e.g. Murder will always be wrong because of the commandment "Thou shall not kill"
    • Catholic Church follows this theory
    • Catholics believe it it important to follow this theory as they could be rewarded with eternal life
  • Situation Ethics
    • Looks at the situation before deciding what to do.
    • Developed by Joseph Fletcher who argued that any action can take place as long as agape is the priority
    • He called agape the 'boss principle'
    • E.g. Murder cam be allowed if it is the most loving action
    • Teleological theory because it focuses on the purpose rather than the action
    • Relative theory as it looks at the situation
    • E.g. Catholic who follows this theory may allow abortion if the women had been raped.
  • Virtue Ethics
    • A person should develop virtues to be a moral person
    • Aquinas taught that there are four cardinal virtues; prudence, temperance, justice and fortitude
    • Taught that there are 3 theological virtues which are faith, hope and charity (love)