The WMM is an advance from the passivity of the MSM
There is research to support STM being more than one component
Research supporting STM being more than one component
Baddeley et al (1975) found participants could carry out a visual and verbal task at the same time, but not two visual (or verbal) tasks
The WMM is supported by highly controlled lab studies which may undermine the validity of the model
The WMM does not account for musical memory - it's possible to listen to instrumental music whilst performing other auditory tasks, criticising the model
Central Executive (CE)
The most important but least understood component of the WMM
Research suggests the CE could be more than one component, not unitary, as in this model
Evidence against the CE being unitary
Eslinger and Damasio studied a patient who could perform well on reasoning tasks but had poor decision making skills
The validity of the whole WMM is questionable as the most important part (the CE) is not well explained
It's not even clear how the CE allocates to slave systems in the WMM
Clinical evidence supporting STM being more than one component
KF could recall digits better if he read them (VSS) than if they were read to him (PL) - this selective impairment supports the model
Brain imaging studies (MA, 2002) found different areas of the brain active for verbal tasks (inferior frontal cortex) and visual tasks (visual cortex) - this is consistent with the idea that working memory consists of separate components