Deals with the idea of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and its impact on the soldier and those around him/her
Structure of The Manhunt
Organised into couplets
Initially the coupletsrhyme, reflecting the couple's harmony when they were first reunited
As the poem progresses the rhyme scheme falters, reflecting the increasingly disjointed nature of their relationship
Title 'The Manhunt'
Suggests a chase or searching for something or that he is lost
Images of delicate materials "porcelain" and "silk" suggests beauty and vulnerability
Images of broken body parts "grazed heart", and "broken ribs" suggest human casualties of war and the vulnerability of the mind and body
"Foetus of metal" and "unexploded mine" suggests the potential to still explode or permanently scar
"Only then did I come close" suggests it is a journey through his pain and healing and their reconciliation as a couple. She is finally closer to 'catching' him.
Who was 'The Manhunt' written by?
Simon Armitage
When was 'The Manhunt' published?
What was the name of the collection 'The Manhunt' was a part of?