Locative Case

Cards (17)

  • v
  • na
    on, at
  • pri
  • popri
  • o
  • po
  • The Locative Case adds endings to nouns and adjectives when they are followed by prepositions that refer to locations, e.g. v, pri, po, etc.
  • Males (male professions, men, etc) have the ending '-ovi'. E.g. ˝lekar˝ becomes ¨o lekarovi¨.
  • Masculine and Neutral nouns in the singular that end in the letters - k, g, ch, h - have the ending ¨-u¨. E.g. ¨krk¨ becomes ¨v krku¨
  • Masculine, Neutral and Feminine nouns in the singular that end in soft consonants have the ending ¨-i¨. E.g. ¨počitač¨ becomes ¨v počitači¨
  • Feminine nouns in the singular that end in hard consonants have the ending ¨-e¨. E.g. ¨ruka¨ becomes ¨v ruke¨
  • Neutral nouns in the singular that end in ¨-ie¨ have the ending ¨-í¨. E.g. ¨zápästie¨ becomes ¨na zápästí¨
  • Masculine nouns in the plural have the ending ¨-och¨. E.g. ¨prst¨ becomes ¨v prstoch¨
  • Neutral and Feminine nouns in the plural have the ending ¨-ách / -iach¨. E.g. ¨ruka¨ becomes ¨v rukách¨, ¨kosti¨ becomes ¨v kostiach¨
  • Masculine and Neutral adjectives in the singular have the ending ¨-om¨. E.g. ¨ľavé palec¨ becomes ¨na ľavom palci¨
  • Feminine adjectives in the singular have the ending ¨-ej¨. E.g. ¨pravá ruka¨ becomes ¨na pravej ruke¨
  • All adjectives in the pluralhave the ending ¨-ých¨. E.g. ¨zapálené kĺby¨ becomes ¨v zapálených kĺboch¨