Cards (13)

  • "huc geminas nunc flecte acies, hanc aspice gentem
    ''Now turn your twin eyes in this direction, look on this family
  • Romanosque tuos. hic Caesar et omnis luli
    and your Romans. Here is Caesar and all the offspring
  • progenies magnum caeli ventura sub axem.
    of lulus, who are going to go beneath the great vault of heaven.
  • hic vir, hic est, tibi quem promitti saepius audis,

    Here is the man, this is he, whom you have so often heard promised to you
  • Augustus Caesar, divi genus, aurea condet

    Augustus Caesar, descendant of a god, who will establish a golden age
  • saecula qui rursus Latio regnata per arva
    Again in Latium, throughout the fields formerly ruled
  • Saturno quondam, super et Garamantas et Indos
    By Saturn; he will extend his power over the Garamantes
  • proferet imperium; iacet extra sidera tellus,

    And Indians; his land will lie beyond the stars,
  • extra anni solisque vias, ubi caelifer Atlas
    Beyond the paths of the year and the Sun, where sky-bearing Atlas
  • axem umero torquet stellis ardentibus aptum.
    Turns on his shoulder the vault of heaven, inset with burning stars.
  • huius in adventum iam nunc et Caspia regna
    In expectation of his arrival, even now the Caspian kingdoms
  • responsis horrent divum et Maeotia tellus,
    And the Maeotian land shudder at the oracles of the gods,
  • et septemgemini turbant trepida ostia Nili."
    And the trembling mouths of the seven-fold Nile are in panic.