behavioural explanation

Cards (9)

  • the main assumption is that all behaviours are learned, therefore phobias are learned through:
    -> classical conditioning [pavlov]
    -> operant conditioning [skinner + thorndike]
    -> social learning theory [bandura]
  • Mowrer: the two process model

    step 1- the aquisition of phobias
    step 2- the maintenance of phobias
  • what is the aquisition of phobias according to mowrer?
    -> they can be aquired directly through classical conditioning
    -> a person makes an association between a previously neutral stimulus and feelings of fear
    -> little albert case study [watson and rayner]
    -> they can also be aquired indirectly through social learning theory
    -> if we see someone experience something traumatic, we are likely to feel the same fear when exposed to that stimulus
    -> especially if they're a role model
    -> Ost believed a fear of injections is often passed from parents to children
  • Bagby
    woman developed a fear of running of running water after getting her feet stuck in rocks near a waterfall
  • King
    found a link between aquiring phobias after traumatic experiences
  • Mowrer
    electric shocking rats after a buzzing sound quickly induced a fear response upon hearing the buzzer
  • what is maintenance of phobias according to mowrer?
    -> this is believed to occur through operant conditioning
    -> avoiding it acts as negative reinforcemen, we feel better after avoiding it
    -> the fact that we feel better after avoiding it allows us to maintain the phobia
    -> reinforces avoidance response
  • evaluation of the behavioural explanation
    + its a scientific approach - they study empirical data to determine cause + effect
    + explains why people develop fears after certain experiences
    + lots of scientific research to support the study
  • evaluate the behavioural explanation of phobias
    -> reductionist - over simplifies the reasons and causes of phobias. often have phobias for no reason
    -> determinisitic - assumes that if we have a negative experience it will develop into a phobia
    -> ignores individual differences - we might not aquire and maintain the same way
    -> not all phobias can be traced back to bad experiences