behavioural treatments

Cards (13)

  • phobias can be removed by counter conditioning. this involvess learning a new response to the feared stimulus
  • what is systemtic desensitisation?
    it works on the principle of classical conditioning and involves a therapist and client working through a 3 step process to make a new association between the stimulus, and the fear response
  • what is step 1 of systematic desensitisation?
    -> client and therapist create an anxiety hierarchy
    -> this ranges from the least fearful situation with the phobia stimulus to the most fearful
  • what is step 2 of system desensitiation?
    -> the therapist teaches the client relaxation techniques. this is to relieve anxiety and physically calm them
  • what is step 3 of systematic desensitisation?
    -> the client works through each stage of the anxiety hierarchy, at each stage they use the relaxation and breathing techniques
  • systematic desensitisation works by replacing the fear response to the stimulus with a relaxation sensation and hence, creates a more positive association
  • evaluation of systematic desensitisation
    + highly effective
    - can rely on the imagination of the individual
    - individual may substitute one symptom for another
  • what is modelling
    -> works on the principles of the social learning theory
    -> involves a role model 'modelling' positive behaviour towards the fear object or situation
    -> the model is positively reinforced for this behaviour in the hope that the client should be motivated to imitate the behaviour
  • evaluate modelling
    -> its not very effective as it works best with children
  • what is flooding?
    -> this directly exposes the client to the objects or situations they fear
    -> in theory, flooding the client repeatedly to their fear will allow them to see that there is no basis for their fear
  • evaluate flooding
    -> its very intense and therefore unethical because it makes them uncomfortable. this often makes it a last resort.
    -> however, it can be helpful, people can lose their phobia after only 3 flooding sessions
  • what is implosion therapy?
    -> a variation of flooding
    -> rather than physically facing their fear they are asked to imagine it
    -> they are asked to create and experience a fear situation
    -> it aims to show them that their fears are groundless
    -> after several sessions, some realise that their fears are groundless and they implode
  • evaluate implosion therapy
    + more ethical than flooding
    - less effective than flooding