M6: Social Influence and Group Leadership

Cards (13)

  • Watch this movie clip on building healthy relationship
  • URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELLaMPiPqPM
  • Personal Relationship
    A close connection between people formed by emotional bonds and attraction. It involves the act of relating and allowing your person to connect with others
  • Adolescence
    • Period of rapid physical growth and sexual maturation
    • A time to establishing identity and for creating social connections
    • A period where an individual learns more the meaning of friendship, intimacy and community involvement
    • Creating social connections, nurturing fledging intimacy
    • Age of onset ranges between 8-15 years old
  • Our social nature dictates that we are bound to establish relations with others. Maintaining relations and promoting it is a must or very essential for younger generations like you
  • Types of Relationships
    • Parents and Family
    • Friendship and Peers
    • Romantic Relationship
    • Casual Relationship
  • Friendship
    Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. We choose to interact with friends who have his/er overall wellbeing at heart
  • Attraction
    A quality which a person finds captivating from the opposite or same sex. Anything which draws two people together, making them want together to form lasting relationship. Become more intense when one cannot stop thinking of the person he/she admires
  • Social Relationship
    Connections which tend to be less intimate, with lesser disclosure but may still be exclusive & demand certain level of loyalty. Foster the development of the sense independence. Adolescents have high need for affiliation desire to be liked by others
  • Social Influence
    The capacity to bring about change in the belief, attitude, and behavior of person as a result of the action of a significant person. Happens as result of interactions with significant / influential persons. Some types of Social Influence; compliance, identification, internalization, Conformity, Conversion, Minority influence, Reaction, Obedience and Persuasion
  • Maintaining and building social relations may always be associated with the Lasallian core values of Spirit of Faith and Zeal for Service
  • Student and Teacher Feedback