M7: Impact of One’s Family on His/Her Personal Development

Cards (11)

  • There is a transactional relationship between teenagers and their parents
  • Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.: 'Jane Howard "Families"'
  • Parental control
    How parents manage their children's behavior which may range from overly demanding to giving hardly any rules or demands
  • Parental warmth
    Whether parents are accepting and responsive or rejecting and unresponsive to their children
  • Authoritarian parenting style
    • Express little affection and warmth to their children, strict and disciplinarians who are punitive and rigid with their rules
  • Permissive parenting style

    • Warm, however, they set no clear rules for their children
  • Authoritative parenting style
    • Firm and warm, set limits with their children, explain and reason to their children which help clarify the rules with them, actively listen to their children, allow question and entertain ideas from them
  • Uninvolved/Neglectful parenting style
    • Express little interest in their children, do not put demands on their children and they only see themselves as providers of clothing, food, and shelter, emotionally detached, minimizing their interaction time and at some point, are guilty of neglect
  • Family structures
    • Nuclear family
    • Single-parent family
    • Extended family
    • Stepfamily
    • Grandparent family
  • Ways of improving family relationships
    • Communicate
    • Learn to appreciate
    • Share activities
    • Be committed
    • Show support to each other
    • Accept each member as he/she is
  • Communion in mission means that whatever understanding we have of relationships in the Church or mission in a communion of churches, communion is inseparable from and indeed is expressed in Christian mission. We discover our communion with our family members in mission and our mission is to spread communion in Christ, ultimately with the whole of creation.