M8: Career Development

Cards (11)

  • Knowing and understanding oneself is just the start of getting a clearer picture of one's career path. One must also acknowledge the external factors which originate from beyond oneself or "someone or something outside the individual".
  • Personal development
    The process of improving oneself and becoming a better version of oneself
  • Guidelines for career planning
    1. Set personal goals
    2. Set smaller goals
    3. Stay on course
    4. Achieve goals
  • Creative visualization
    • The process of looking forward and seeing your desires and aspirations happening
  • Making a firm stand on career choices
    Career choice should be taken seriously
  • Developing yourself personally
    A state of being developed or progressed into a higher level, a better standard of oneself
  • Lasallian core values: Zeal for service
  • Zeal is the active expression of faith in gospel witness and service, oriented towards the integral salvation of persons, particularly the poor and the excluded
  • Zeal is the enthusiastic and total gift of self for the sake of the mission expressed in such qualities as gratuity and generosity, creativity and fortitude, compassion, and commitment
  • Additional resources: Personal Development: A Worktext for Senior High School Students, Personal Development: A Journey to Self-Awakening
  • References: Making vocational choices: A theory of vocational personalities and work environments, Social Psychology