Heidegger delves into the essence of technology, emphasizing that it is not merely a collection of tools or machines but a way of revealing and challengingforth
The relationship between freedom and revealing in the context of technology, where true freedom lies in concealing and revealing in a way that opens up new possibilities for understanding
Heidegger's exploration of how modern technology reveals the world in a challenging and transformative manner, emphasizing the interconnected paths of revealing and the importance of regulating and securing this process
Heidegger's view of technology as a complex system of contrivances that shape our understanding of the world, not just a collection of tools but a way of revealing and bringing forth truth
Heidegger's suggestion that the essence of technology pervades every art and revealing of coming to presence into the beautiful, emphasizing the interconnectedness of art, technology, and revealing in shaping our perception of reality
The need to rethink the traditional notions of progress and development is emphasized, with a focus on achieving a higher level of understanding and consciousness
Instead of pushing poorer countries to emulate the consumption levels of rich nations, the author advocates for rich countries to reduce their consumption levels to more sustainable levels
Criticism is directed towards negative terms like 'de-growth' and 'de-development,' which may hinder broader acceptance of alternative development approaches
Damon Gameau embarks on a unique experiment to document the effects of a high sugar diet on a healthy body, consuming only foods that are commonly perceived as 'healthy'
Through this entertaining and informative journey, Damon highlights some of the issues that plague the sugar industry, and where sugar lurks on supermarket shelves
Within 3 weeks I had developed fatty liver disease and by the end I had early type 2 diabetes, heart disease risks and 11cm of extra girth around my mid-drift
Michael Moss in New York, author of 'Sugar Salt Fat. How The Food Giants Got Us Hooked' and learn of the amount of money and time spent by the processed food industry to get consumers hooked on sugar
We meet ex food scientists from these companies and are even taken through the process of finding sugar's 'bliss point' where the goal is to create a flavor that "isn't too sweet, but enough to keep a customer coming back for more"
I head to Barbourville, Kentucky and spend a few days with a dentist who drives around in a mobile dental clinic and treats the local impoverished kids for free who have a condition he has coined Mountain Dew Mouth'
I must consume 40 teaspoons of sugar a day for 60 days
These must be 'hidden' sugars found in 'healthy' foods and drinks, such as breakfast cereals, muesli bars and juices
So no soft drinks, ice-cream, confectionary or chocolate
The sugar must consist of sucrose and fructose specifically, whether they are 'added' or naturally occurring. Despite carbohydrates like bread breaking down to a type of sugar in the body, they will not be counted
I must always choose low-fat foods
I must maintain my exercise routine: three laps of my long, steep garden twice a week and ten minutes in my homemade gym (this consists of dumbbells made of two 20-litre water bottles and a tent pole. In your face, Fitness First!)
Lewis was a critic of "scientism" - the ideology that the methods of natural science should be the standard by which all other intellectual disciplines are judged
He warned about the dangers of a world where "nothing is sacred" and human dignity is violated in the pursuit of scientific utopia and control
He argued that while scientific training provides technical expertise, it does not automatically confer wisdom on ethical/philosophicalquestions of how we should act as a society
He advocated for upholding transcendent ethical values and human rights as limits on the application of science, to prevent its misuse for evil ends
He hoped scientists themselves would work to create a "regenerate science" respecting human dignity, instead of degenerating into the totalitarian "magician's twin"