Organs are organised into organ systems, which work together to form organisms.
Why do organisms need enzymes?
As most chemical reactions are naturally slow
The rate of chemical reactions increases with temperature. Why cant we increase the temperature?
would require a lot of enegry, higher temperatures would damage our cells, also speed up non-useful reactions
What is a catalyst?
A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process.
What is an Enzyme?
special type of catalyst, that is made by a living organism, these are also called biological catalysts
The molecule that the enzyme reacts with, fits perfectly into the active site
Optimum temperature
The temperature at which the enzyme is working at the fastest possible rate, maximum frequency of successful collisions between substrate and active site
What do we call the complex that is formed when an enzyme binds to a substrate?
enzyme-substrate complex
what does complementary mean?
right match/fits the active site
what is the lock and key model?
substare has to fit perfectly into the active site
What is the induced fit model?
enzymes active site changes shape slightly as it binds
What chain is enzymes?
a long chain of amino acids
In order for a living cell to fuction properly, it has to carry out a huge number of chemical reactions everyday.
increase rate of reaction=increasing the tempreature
What happens if the active site isn't complementary to the substare?