The census

Cards (9)

  • He formally divided up the citizen population into classes based on wealth. Each class contributed to war differently to how much they could afford. It was compulsory for Citizens to enter.
  • First class - Richest formed cavalry, rest fought as heavy infantry, Equipped with: sword, breastplate, bronze helmet, spear, greaves and round shield. Divided into 'seniors' (protected the city) and 'Juniors' (who marched out to war).
  • Second Class - Same equipment as the First class, but they had long shields and weren't required to wear a breast plate.
  • Third Class - Same equipment as the second class but no Greaves
  • Fourth Class - Heavy spear and throwing javelin required, but nothing else.
  • Fifth Class - Used slings and stones; no armour
  • Everyone else - exempt from military service
  • The rich complained so Servius decreed that what class a citizen was in would now also determined the value of his vote in elections
  • Servius also introduced a new tribal system, it described where a citizen lived in Rome