He formally divided up the citizen population into classes based on wealth. Each class contributed to war differently to how much they could afford. It was compulsory for Citizens to enter.
First class - Richest formed cavalry, rest fought as heavy infantry, Equipped with: sword, breastplate, bronze helmet, spear, greaves and round shield. Divided into 'seniors' (protected the city) and 'Juniors' (who marched out to war).
Second Class - Same equipment as the First class, but they had long shields and weren't required to wear a breast plate.
Third Class - Same equipment as the second class but no Greaves
Fourth Class - Heavy spear and throwing javelin required, but nothing else.
Fifth Class - Used slings and stones; no armour
Everyone else - exempt from military service
The rich complained so Servius decreed that what class a citizen was in would now also determined the value of his vote in elections
Servius also introduced a new tribal system, it described where a citizen lived in Rome