Microscopes 🔬

Cards (22)

  • What are microscopes used for?
    To study cells.
  • What do microscopes do?
    They use lenses to magnify an image and they also increase the resolution of the image.
  • What is resolution?
    It is the degree to which it is possible to distinguish between two objects that are very close together.
  • What is magnification?
    It is the degree to which the size of an image is larger than the image itself.
  • What is the correct way to hold a microscope?
    By the arm and base.
  • How do light microscopes work?
    They pass light through the speciman.
  • How do electron microscopes work?
    They use beams of electrons to view the speciman.
  • Pros of light microscopes.
    -easy to use
    -can use live cells
  • Cons of light microscopes.
    -low resolution
    -low magnification
  • Pros of electron microscopes.
    -higher resolution
    -higher magnification
  • Cons of electron microscopes.
    -hard to use
    -can't study live cells
  • How do you prepare a microscope slide?
    -take a clean slide
    -Put your sample onto the slide using forceps
    -piece should be thin and look like tissue paper
    -add a drop of stain (e.g iodine) to see it clearly
    -place a cover slip gently at an angle to avoid air bubbles
    -clip the slide on the stage
  • How do you use the microscope to view a specimen?
    -use the coarse adjusment knob to move the stage up so it is underneath objective lens
    -adjust the focus using the fine adjusting knob to get a clear image
  • What is the equation for total magnification?
    Total magnification = eyepiece lens x objective lens
  • What is the equation to work out image size?
    Image size = magnification x real size
  • How do you convert from millimetre to micrometre?

    Multiply by 1000.
  • How do you convert from micrometre to nanometre?

    Multiply by 1000.
  • How do you convert from nanometre to picometre?

    Multiply by 1000.
  • How do you convert from picometre to nanometre?

    Divide by 1000.
  • How do you convert from nanometre to micrometre?

    Divide by 1000.
  • How do you convert from micrometre to millimetre?

    Divide by 1000.
  • Diagram of a microscope.
    This is the diagram of a microscope.