Cards (13)

  • True or false?
    In most modern industrialized societies, death is defined as the cessation of higher cortical processes.
  • Seventy-year-old Aaron sometimes has trouble finding the word that he wants when speaking with others. Is this most likely a sign of Alzheimer's Disease or an age-related change?
    age-related change
  • Max isn't sure how to help his seventy-year-old father. In the past year, his father spent $4,000 on As-Seen-On-TV products that he never uses. Max's father used to be very careful with his money. Now, Max is concerned over his father's financial judgement. Is Max's father's behavior most likely a sign of Alzheimer's Disease or an age-related change?
    Alzheimer's disease
  • Vera began drinking heavily in her early 20s. She continued this pattern throughout her life and is now in her 70s. She has been hospitalized with liver disease. Prior to this hospitalization, her children noticed some that she's been having trouble dressing herself and is exhibiting some marked forgetfulness.
    substance/medication induced
  • True or false?
    Alzheimer's does not affect people who are in their 40s
  • Indicate which stage of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's Stage theory is being depicted.
    Jen knows that her loved one is no longer suffering and is encouraged when she thinks of that.
  • Which of the following is the best summary of Selective Optimization with Compensation theory?
    Older adults should remain active, but be wise in choosing safe activities that they can engage in long-term.
  • Who typically lives longer: women or men?
  • Describe 2 typical symptoms observed in the final stages of Alzheimer's Disease.
    Unable to walk, speak, engage in basic life activities
  • Compare and contrast active and passive euthanasia. Be sure to both compare and contrast.
    Active and passive are both a choice to not allow life to continue.
    Active is an agent administered to hasten death while passive is when nothing is done to help prolong life.
  • Compare and contrast Primary and Secondary aging.

    Primary and secondary are both forms of aging. Primary aging is biological and genetically influenced. Secondary aging is aging caused by behavioral choices and the environment.
  • Why do theorists and practitioners today criticize disengagement theory? Be specific.
    Withdrawal can harm someones physical health, cognition and social life
  • Why do we age? Based on what you learned in the model, describe what the Cellular Theories/Damage Theories as well as the Programmed Cell Death theories say causes aging. Then, describe your reaction to these theories. How do they make you think differently about aging, than if you have never heard of them?
    Cellular theories of aging includes the Hayflick Limit, which states that cells have a limited number of times they can divide. It also includes the Free Radicals Theory that claims we gradually accumulate free radical cellular damage which leads to DNA mutation. The programmed cell death theories focus on how cells appear to be designed to self destruct