phy atomic structure

Cards (51)

  • Radius of an atom
    Around 10^-10m
  • Basic structure of an atom
    • A positively charged nucleus composed of both protons and neutrons surrounded by negatively charged electrons
  • Most of the mass of an atom is concentrated in the nucleus
  • How electron arrangements can change in an atom
    1. Absorption of electromagnetic radiation - move further from nucleus; higher energy level
    2. Emission of electromagnetic radiation - closer to nucleus; lower energy level
  • The number of protons in an atom is equal to the number of electrons in the atom
  • Mass number
    The total number of protons and neutrons
  • How atoms can be represented
    Mass number on top, atomic number under
  • What happens if atoms lose one or more outer electrons
    They turn into positive ions
  • Isotope
    An atom of the same element with a different number of neutrons
  • New scientific evidence may lead to a scientific model being changed or replaced
  • How the atomic model has developed
    • Tiny undivisible spheres
    • Plum pudding model
    • Nuclear model
    • Bohr's nuclear model
    • Discovery of protons
    • Discovery of neutrons
  • Plum pudding model
    The atom is a ball of positive charge with negative electrons embedded in it
  • Nuclear model (alpha scattering experiment)
    • Most particles went straight through - mostly empty space, nucleus small compared to whole atom
    • Some particles deflected several degrees - nucleus positively charged as positive particles were repelled
    • A few particles deflected almost 180 degrees - nucleus contains most of the mass of the atom
  • Niels Bohr's nuclear model
    Electrons orbit the nucleus at specific distances - his theoretical calculations agreed with experimental observations
  • Proton discovered
  • Neutrons discovered
  • How long after the nucleus became an accepted scientific idea were neutrons discovered
    20 years
  • Radioactive decay
    A random process in which an unstable atomic nucleus give out radiation as it changes to become more stable
  • Activity
    The rate at which a source of unstable nuclei decays, measured in bequerel (Bq)
  • Count-rate

    The number of decays recorded each second by a detector (eg Geiger-Muller tube)
  • Alpha particle
    Two neutrons and two protons, the same as a helium nucleus
  • Beta particle

    A high speed electron ejected from the nucleus as a neutron turns into a proton
  • Gamma ray

    Electromagentic radiation from the nucleus
  • Types of nuclear radiation
    • Alpha particle
    • Beta particle
    • Gamma ray
    • Neutron
  • Alpha radiation
    • Absorber materials, range in air, ionising power
  • Beta radiation
    • Absorber materials, range in air, ionising power
  • Gamma radiation
    • Absorber materials, range in air, ionising power
  • Why alpha radiation is used in smoke alarms
    Ionises the air so there is a current; smoke causes a drop in current, triggering the alarm
  • Why beta radiation is used in metal foil production
    Detector measure radiation passing through foil; if the foil is too thick, the detector reading drops
  • The emission of the different types of nuclear radiation may cause a change in mass and/or the charge of the nucleus
  • Half-life
    1. The time it takes for the number of nuclei in a sample for halve
    2. The time it takes for the count rate/activity from a sample containing the isotope to fall to half its initial level
  • Equation for the final count rate (remaining number of unstable nuclei) = initial count rate (number of unstable nuclei)/2^n
  • Radioactive contamination
    The unwanted presence of materials containing radioactive atoms on other materials
  • Hazard of contamination
    The decay of the contaminating atoms
  • What affects the level of hazard
    The type of radiation emitted
  • Irradiation
    The process of exposing an object to nuclear radiation; the irradiated object does not become radioactive
  • Why radiation is dangerous
    Radiation causes ionisation which can damage or kill the cell, causing mutations and possibly cancer
  • How workers can reduce their exposure to ionising radiation
    • Keep as far away from source of radiation
    Spend as little time as possible in at-risk areas
    Shield themselves by staying behind thick concrete barriers and/or using thick lead plates
  • Why it is important for the findings of studies into the effects of radiation on humans to be published and shared with other scientists
  • Background radiation

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